What to Do If You are not Happy with Your 2023 SHS Placement as a BECE 2022 Graduate

By | 17 February 2023
What to do if you are not happy with your 2023 SHS placement as a BECE 2022 graduate

The long-awaited moment has arrived, as the 2022 CSSPS Placement portal was finally opened on February 15th, 2023, for all 2022 BECE graduates to check their school placement. The portal provides two types of placements: Auto-placement and Self-placement.

For students who were auto-placed by the system, they will need to print their enrollment and placement forms and go to their respective schools to commence the admission process. However, for those who were not placed by the system, they will have to place themselves through the Self-Placement option.

It’s important to note that once students have been auto-placed in a school, they cannot change their school after enrolment. However, they may request a transfer from the head of their placement school. The GES advises students to make wise choices during the self-placement process to avoid such a request.

Can schools be change by a student after enrollment?

The Answer is No.


Once the admission process is initiated by visiting the school and completing the required forms, the placement process is finalized. It’s important to note that any transfer between schools after enrollment will be considered as such, and transfers are only allowed after one academic year.

Therefore, if you are unhappy with your assigned placement school, it is advisable not to enroll. Once enrollment is completed, changing the school will not be possible.

Can residential status or programme be changed by a student after placement?

The Answer is NO.

The placement of a candidate into a particular school is typically determined by the programme of their preference and the residential status they selected. The preferences given by the candidate serve as the basis for their competition for a slot in the chosen school.


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