Champions of the Earth Award: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

By | 25 March 2023

Do you know of an individual, organization or government making strides in innovative and sustainable solutions to tackle plastic pollution? Nominate them for the UNEP Champions of the Earth Award!

This prestigious award seeks to recognize those who are developing and implementing policies and solutions that help to eliminate plastic pollution. Nominations are currently open and will be accepted until mid-April.

Don’t miss this opportunity to recognize those making a positive impact on our planet.

Learn About the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

UNEP is the global leader in promoting environmental awareness. It encourages partnerships and leadership in preserving the environment by providing inspiration, education and empowerment to nations and people to enhance their standard of living without endangering future generations. The Champions of the Earth award is the highest honor bestowed by the United Nations to recognize exceptional individuals from the government, private sector, and civil society who have made a significant impact on the environment.


With a historic resolution on plastic pollution passed by the UN Environment Assembly, it is imperative for the world to come together and put an end to this menace. This year’s World Environment Day, hosted by Cote d’Ivoire, will focus on initiatives aimed at defeating plastic pollution.

The triple planetary crisis posed by climate change, nature loss, and pollution and waste is a formidable challenge. The Champions of the Earth award reminds us that environmental sustainability is critical to achieving sustainable development.

Qualification Requirements

The UNEP Champions of the Earth Award recognizes and celebrates individuals, organizations, and governments for their impactful work in promoting sustainability and eliminating plastic pollution. Nominees who meet the following eligibility criteria will be considered for the award:

  • Nominations are open to everyone, so anyone can suggest a candidate they believe deserves recognition.
  • The award is open to individuals, government entities, groups, and organizations who have made significant contributions in the areas of Policy Leadership, Inspiration and Action, Entrepreneurial Vision, Science, and Innovation.
  • The selection process takes into account the impact of the nominee’s previous actions, the uniqueness of their achievements, and the persuasive and motivating nature of their story.

How to Apply for United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

  • Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria for the UNEP Champions of the Earth Award can be nominated by visiting the official program website.
  • The Champions of the Earth will be announced later in the year, and the winners will be recognized for their outstanding leadership and achievements in environmental sustainability.

Submission Deadline: Nominations are open until 14th April, 2023.


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