UCC Department of Religion and Human Values

By | 7 June 2023

When considering higher education options, the UCC Department of Religion and Human Values stands out as a leading choice for individuals passionate about the study of religion and its significance in shaping human values.

This department offers a well-structured program designed to equip students with a deep understanding of various religious traditions, ethics, and moral philosophies.

This article aims to provide insights into the department’s course requirements, cut off point, acceptance of grades, and career opportunities for graduates.

UCC Department of Religion and Human Values course requirement

To pursue a degree in Religion and Human Values at UCC, prospective students must meet certain course requirements.

For admission into the program, applicants are required to have completed the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) or its equivalent.

The WASSCE results serve as a crucial evaluation metric for admission consideration.

UCC department of Religion and Human Values cut off point

The UCC Department of Religion and Human Values has set a cut off point of aggregate 30 for prospective students.


This means that applicants’ WASSCE results are evaluated, and their grades are assigned numerical values. 

Is D7 to F9 accepted to study Religion and Human Values in UCC?

While the UCC Department of Religion and Human Values maintains high academic standards, it does not accept grades below C6 in the WASSCE results.

Grades ranging from D7 to F9 are not considered eligible for admission into the program.

This requirement ensures that students entering the department have a solid foundation in their previous academic pursuits, enabling them to excel in their studies at UCC.

Career opportunities available for graduates 

Graduates from the UCC Department of Religion and Human Values possess a unique skill set that opens doors to various career opportunities.

With a solid understanding of religious traditions, ethics, and moral philosophies, graduates can pursue diverse paths. Some potential career options include:

  1. Religious Studies Teacher: Graduates can pursue teaching positions in schools, colleges, or universities, sharing their knowledge and insights with the next generation.
  2. Interfaith Dialogue Facilitator: With their understanding of different religious perspectives, graduates can contribute to promoting understanding and harmony between various faith communities.
  3. Social Work: The knowledge gained through the program equips graduates with the skills to address social issues, advocate for marginalized communities, and contribute to social welfare organizations.
  4. Cultural Consultant: Graduates can provide valuable insights and guidance to businesses and organizations operating in diverse cultural contexts, facilitating effective communication and understanding.
  5. Research and Academia: The department’s program prepares students for further academic pursuits, such as pursuing postgraduate degrees and conducting research in the field of religion and human values.

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