Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Program at MIT

By | 15 June 2023
Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Program at MIT

The MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Program supports a global community of dedicated and thoughtful journalists specializing in science, health, technology, and the environment.

The program is designed to recognize journalists who demonstrate a high level of professionalism and achievement, as well as a long-term commitment to their work. Journalists from all countries are encouraged to apply. The application window is November 15 to January 15 of each year.

Fellowship Description

Each year, the MIT Knight Fellowship in Science Journalism Program awards one-year fellowships to 10 science journalists, giving them the opportunity to explore science, technology, and journalism techniques; emphasis on scientific specialization; and study at some of the best research universities in the world. Fellows must take at least one science course per semester, but are encouraged to explore the various grants at MIT, Harvard, and other institutions in Cambridge and Greater Boston.

Fellows must complete a research project in Cambridge, Massachusetts, during the academic year. The goal is for fellows to create something that makes the most of their time and experience at MIT, using the resources and connections available while they are here. Part of the research project must be journalistic, but it can expand beyond traditional parameters and be created in any format: long form, narrative series, multimedia, video, audio, installation, etc. The project can serve as a base. a future story or the basis of a book proposal, or it can simply be a detailed report on a scientific area. All fellows give a formal presentation on their projects at the end of the fellowship year.


Fellows in the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Program receive a $75,000 stipend, a $3,000 relocation allowance, and other benefits, including basic health insurance for each fellow and their family.

Among the many Knight Fellowship programs and activities:

  • Seminars: Fellows meet regularly for seminars with top researchers and media professionals.
  • Field Trips: The program organizes several trips each year to locations of special interest to science and technology writers. Past destinations have included the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA, the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, ME, and the Harvard Forest in Petersham, MA.
  • Digital Media Training: The number of storytelling channels open to journalists is multiplying, and we want our Fellows to return to the workforce with more technical skills than they had coming in. We offer workshops in various technologies, including mobile video, still photography, digital editing, data journalism, and podcasting.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a Knight Science Journalism Fellowship, applicants must:

  • Be full-time journalists, whether on staff or freelance. Part-time writers or producers are not eligible.
  • Have at least three full years of experience covering science, technology, the environment, or medicine.
  • Be reporters, writers, editors, producers, illustrators, filmmakers, or photojournalists. This includes work for newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and digital media.
  • Applicants must not have completed a fellowship of four months or longer during the two years prior to applying for the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship.

Also Check:  Joan Shorenstein Fellowship for Studying Media, Politics and Public Policy

Application Procedure

The Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Program application is done online. Please check the official application page for further information before you apply.

The application window is November 15, to January 15, each yearly cycle.

Website and Application Link


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