Top 3 Spring Break Travel Times to Avoid Crowds

By | 18 June 2023

The Best Time to Travel to Avoid Spring Breakers

Spring break is a highly anticipated time for college students to unwind before final exams and blow off some steam. For those seeking a more peaceful getaway, the crowds can be overwhelming. To avoid spring breakers, we recommend traveling during mid-late spring, early summer, or early spring. This article further explores the best times to travel and offers tips for avoiding spring break crowds.

1. Mid-Late Spring (Mid-April to Mid-June)

Mid-late spring is the prime time to travel to avoid spring breakers. By mid-April, most students have returned to school, making it an ideal time for tourists to enjoy the inviting spring weather in warm destinations. March is the month when most schools close for spring break, and tourists are more likely to encounter spring breakers and large crowds during this month. While there may still be some spring breakers lingering in party towns and other coastal cities in mid-late spring, the crowds are significantly smaller compared to March. Additionally, the weather is perfect for outdoor activities.

2. Early Summer (Late June)

Travelers can also plan a vacation during early summer to avoid spring breakers. The temperatures are moderate, and the number of summer travelers is still low. While travelers may miss out on the pleasant weather that is typical of spring, this time allows for a relatively crowd-free tourism experience. Traveling before mid-summer is advisable as this is usually when most people visit holiday destinations, leading to crowds. Nonetheless, travelers can still expect crowds, albeit significantly less than in spring break or mid-summer.

3. Late Winter/Early Spring (February)

While not the ideal time, late winter or early spring (February) is also an option for travel. Since schools close for spring break in mid-February, traveling during this time increases the chance of finding spring breakers, though not as many compared to March. Due to fewer travelers during this period, the cost of travel is often lower than at other times of the year. However, the weather may be too cold for comfortable travel and may require travelers to pack more clothes and gear.


How to Avoid Spring Breakers During Spring Break

If traveling during spring break is inevitable, there are tips and strategies for avoiding the crowds.

Book Expensive Hotels

Spring breakers are attracted to cheap thrills. As a result, expensive hotels tend to be less crowded, and travelers are less likely to encounter spring breakers. Popular hotel booking websites such as Tripadvisor,, and Trivago can help travelers find expensive hotels that cater to a more adult audience.

Book Unpopular Vacation Spots

Instead of visiting popular spring break destinations, travelers can opt for lesser-known locations. Florida is a popular spring break destination, but travelers can explore other parts of Florida, such as its islands or the quieter west coast. To find unpopular yet idyllic vacation spots, travelers can scour internet forums dedicated to tourism or consult


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