KNUST Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

By | 22 May 2023
KNUST Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at KNUST offers a comprehensive program designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required for a successful career in the pharmaceutical industry. 

Pharmaceutical chemistry is a fascinating field that combines the principles of chemistry and pharmacy to develop and analyze drugs.

If you have a passion for chemistry and are interested in contributing to the development of new medicines, the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) might be the perfect choice for you.

In this article, we will explore the course requirements, cut-off points, and the acceptance of certain grades for studying Pharmaceutical Chemistry at KNUST.

KNUST Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Course Requirement

To gain admission into the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at KNUST, prospective students must meet certain course requirements.

These requirements typically include a minimum grade in relevant science subjects, such as Chemistry, Biology, and Physics, at the high school level.

Additionally, applicants may need to pass an interview to demonstrate their aptitude for the program.


KNUST Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Cut Off Point

The cut-off point for admission into the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at KNUST varies from year to year and is influenced by factors such as the number of available slots and the academic performance of applicants.

Generally, the cut-off point is determined by the aggregate score obtained by applicants in their high school final exams. This year, aggregate 08 is the least acceptable score.

However, it is essential to check the official KNUST website or contact the admissions office for the most up-to-date information regarding the cut-off point.

Is D7 to F9 accepted to study Pharmaceutical Chemistry in KNUST?

One common question that arises among prospective applicants is whether the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at KNUST accepts grades ranging from D7 to F9.

It is important to note that the acceptance of these grades may vary depending on the specific requirements of the department and the overall competitiveness of the applicant pool and usually, C6 is the least acceptable grade.

It is generally advisable to aim for higher grades to increase your chances of admission.

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