Examination Anxiety: 12 Things that Grade 12 Learners could do 

By | 24 February 2023

On this page, we suggest 12 activities for students in grade 12 to engage in to lessen the effects of any Examination Anxiety.

Exams in the 12th grade might be demanding, therefore it’s common to have anxiety. To prevent it from affecting your performance on exam day, it’s crucial to control your nervousness. 

12 Things that Grade 12 Learners could do 

These are 12 things students in Grade 12 could do to lessen the effects of anxiety on test day:

the night before the test, get ample rest.

  1. On exam day, have a balanced breakfast.
  2. To avoid any last-minute stress, get there early for the exam.
  3. Before the exam, review your notes and study resources to jog your memory.
  4. To calm your nerves, take deep breaths and concentrate on your breathing.
  5. To increase your confidence, picture yourself performing well on the test.
  6. Instead of focusing on others’ performances, consider your own.
  7. Avoid negative self-talk and remain optimistic.
  8. You can increase your self-assurance by telling yourself things like, “I can do this,” or “I am ready.”
  9. To give your brain a break during the exam, take breaks.
  10. During the exam, set priorities and concentrate on the questions you are most familiar with.
  11. If a question stumps you, just move on to the next one and, if you have time, return to the first one later.

Why Grade 12 Students Get Stressed Out Before Examinations

  1. Pressure to succeed: Students in grade 12 could experience pressure to succeed on their exams in order to ensure their future. Anxiety and panic can result from this pressure, which can be internal or external.
  2. Fear of failure: Students in Grade 12 frequently worry about failing their tests, which can cause anxiety and panic.
  3. Future uncertainty: Students in grade 12 could experience future uncertainty when deciding on a professional path or a college or institution to attend. Their fear and terror may grow as a result of this uncertainty.
  4. Lack of preparation: Students who have not thoroughly studied for their exams may experience anxiety and worry about their performance.
  5. Comparing oneself to others: Some students might do this and feel under pressure to perform on par with or better than their peers. This might make you anxious or panicky.
  6. Bad time management: Students may experience anxiety and overwhelmed due to the amount of material they need to cover if their time management was poor in the weeks leading up to the exams.
  7. Lack of confidence: Some students may be under the impression that they will not perform well on the tests, which can cause worry and fear.

It’s critical for students to identify the cause of their worry and take action to deal with it. Some strategies include properly preparing for examinations, managing their time, and, if necessary, getting support from teachers and counsellors.

Although it’s normal to feel apprehensive before an exam, you may minimize the effect of worry on your performance with the correct planning and attitude. Be composed, concentrated, and upbeat, and have faith in your capacity for success.


On this page, we suggest 12 activities for students in grade 12 to engage in to lessen the effects of any exam-day anxiety.

Exams in the 12th grade might be demanding, therefore it’s common to have anxiety. To prevent it from affecting your performance on exam day, it’s crucial to control your nervousness. 

12 Things that Grade 12 Learners could do 

These are 12 things students in Grade 12 could do to lessen the effects of anxiety on test day:

the night before the test, get ample rest.

  1. On exam day, have a balanced breakfast.
  2. To avoid any last-minute stress, get there early for the exam.
  3. Before the exam, review your notes and study resources to jog your memory.
  4. To calm your nerves, take deep breaths and concentrate on your breathing.
  5. To increase your confidence, picture yourself performing well on the test.
  6. Instead of focusing on others’ performances, consider your own.
  7. Avoid negative self-talk and remain optimistic.
  8. You can increase your self-assurance by telling yourself things like, “I can do this,” or “I am ready.”
  9. To give your brain a break during the exam, take breaks.
  10. During the exam, set priorities and concentrate on the questions you are most familiar with.
  11. If a question stumps you, just move on to the next one and, if you have time, return to the first one later.

Why Grade 12 Students Get Stressed Out Before Examinations

  1. Pressure to succeed: Students in grade 12 could experience pressure to succeed on their exams in order to ensure their future. Anxiety and panic can result from this pressure, which can be internal or external.
  2. Fear of failure: Students in Grade 12 frequently worry about failing their tests, which can cause anxiety and panic.
  3. Future uncertainty: Students in grade 12 could experience future uncertainty when deciding on a professional path or a college or institution to attend. Their fear and terror may grow as a result of this uncertainty.
  4. Lack of preparation: Students who have not thoroughly studied for their exams may experience anxiety and worry about their performance.
  5. Comparing oneself to others: Some students might do this and feel under pressure to perform on par with or better than their peers. This might make you anxious or panicky.
  6. Bad time management: Students may experience anxiety and overwhelmed due to the amount of material they need to cover if their time management was poor in the weeks leading up to the exams.
  7. Lack of confidence: Some students may be under the impression that they will not perform well on the tests, which can cause worry and fear.

It’s critical for students to identify the cause of their worry and take action to deal with it. Some strategies include properly preparing for examinations, managing their time, and, if necessary, getting support from teachers and counsellors.

Although it’s normal to feel apprehensive before an exam, you may minimize the effect of worry on your performance with the correct planning and attitude. Be composed, concentrated, and upbeat, and have faith in your capacity for success.


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