Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy Investigation Memorandum

By | 24 February 2023

Grade 12 Mathematics Literacy Investigation Term 1, Term 2, and Term 3 Memorandum Students in South Africa’s Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy course concentrate on honing their practical math abilities in relevant situations.

One of the main tenets of the curriculum, investigation assignments is made to give students the chance to use their skills and knowledge to solve problems in various circumstances.

In the Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 Investigation Memorandum, the assignments are meant to assist students to improve their ability to think critically, solve issues, and apply their mathematical knowledge.


Students are encouraged to collaborate cooperatively, think creatively, and articulate their ideas clearly through the use of these exercises, which are created to be authentic, relevant, and engaging.

Advantages of Mathematical Literacy Investigation Memorandum

The following are some of the important skills that students may learn when working on Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 investigation tasks:

  1. Problem-solving: Students will gain knowledge of various methods and strategies for locating, examining, and resolving mathematical issues.
  2. Students will learn how to gather and analyze data, as well as how to apply it to make wise decisions and address issues.
  3. Students will improve their ability to effectively explain mathematical ideas and concepts both orally and in writing.
  4. Technology: Students will learn how to solve issues and evaluate data using technology, such as calculators and computer software. 
  5. Mathematical literacy grade 12 investigation assignments span a wide range of subjects, including money, measurement, statistics, and probability.
  6. Students may be required to complete individual or group projects for these assignments, and then report their findings to their peers or teachers.

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