OCC Brightspace

By | 26 June 2023

Introduction to Onondaga Community College’s Brightspace

Onondaga Community College (OCC) Brightspace is an online learning management system used by the institution to create, host, and edit course materials in various formats, including text, multimedia, and interactive content. Brightspace offers a flexible suite of tools designed to make learning interactive and engaging by promoting student collaboration, sharing resources, learning assessment, and providing multiple means of communication between course members. The system’s capability and program design foster the development of lifelong learning skills that enhance student success and achieve their educational goals.

What is Brightspace, and How Does It Work?

  1. Brightspace is a cloud-based learning management system that allows education providers to design, deliver, and manage learning content for educational programs and courses.
  2. Brightspace enables sharing of course contents, student collaboration, and various means of communication among course members.
  3. Brightspace uses an LTI (Learning Tool Interoperability) framework that allows it to integrate with various educational technologies such as web conferencing, interactive video, or mobile learning apps.
  4. Brightspace offers various assessment tools, including quizzes, exams, and surveys, that enable educators to evaluate student learning outcomes and provide feedback and grades.
  5. Brightspace employs data analytics to provide educators with valuable insights into student’s learning patterns, performance, and engagement to develop effective and personalized learning experiences.

Brightspace at Onondaga Community College

  1. OCC uses Brightspace as an online learning platform to deliver course content for online courses, hybrid courses, and face-to-face classes.
  2. Brightspace is accessible to students on the OCC website.
  3. Students can use Brightspace to access course content for their courses, submit assignments, participate in discussions with their classmates and instructors, and take quizzes and exams.
  4. Brightspace fosters student engagement, personalized learning, and communication with other students.

How to Access OCC Brightspace

Accessing OCC Brightspace requires accessing the institution’s website and navigating to the student’s page to access the online learning platform. The following are steps to navigate to OCC Brightspace.

  1. Visit the OCC website (www.sunyocc.edu)
  2. Click on the Navigation Tab, located at the top of the OCC website homepage
  3. Select the Student option from the navigation tab
  4. On the student homepage, select the D2L Brightspace option to access OCC Brightspace

How to Login to OCC Brightspace

Login in to the OCC Brightspace requires students to have an account registered with the institution. The following are the steps to follow while logging in to OCC Brightspace.

  1. Navigate to the OCC Brightspace login page using the OCC website
  2. Enter your Email Address
  3. Tap the Next button to proceed
  4. Enter your password registered with the institution and login

OCC Contact Details

Contact OCC through the following details:


Address: 8015 Oswego Rd, Liverpool, NY 13090

Phone: (315) 498-6080

Email: [email protected]


OCC Brightspace is a robust and innovative online learning platform that allows students, academics, and administrators to interact, collaborate and access course content, among other interactive features. OCC Brightspace fosters communication and interaction among course members and facilitates assessment, grading and personalized learning through data analytics and a diverse suite of assessment tools. Using OCC Brightspace requires accessing the OCC website and navigating to the student page to log in to the platform.


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