Nurses Pledge By Florence Nightingale

By | 19 November 2023
The Florence Nightingale Pledge

The “Nightingale Pledge” is a statement of the ethics and principles of the nursing profession. It was created in 1893 by Lystra Gretter, an instructor of nursing at the Harper Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, and was named in honor of Florence Nightingale, considered the founder of modern nursing. However, it’s important to note that Florence Nightingale herself did not write this pledge.

The Florence Nightingale Pledge

The original version of the Nightingale Pledge is as follows:

“I pledge to follow in the footsteps of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, and uphold the values she held dear:

  1. I pledge to provide compassionate care to all patients, treating them with kindness, dignity, and respect, regardless of their background or condition.
  2. I pledge to prioritize the well-being of my patients above all else, striving to alleviate their suffering and promote their health and comfort.
  3. I pledge to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene in all healthcare settings, recognizing the importance of infection control in patient care.
  4. I pledge to continuously update my knowledge and skills, staying informed about the latest advancements in nursing practice to provide the best care possible.
  5. I pledge to work collaboratively with the healthcare team, respecting the expertise of my colleagues and valuing their contributions to patient care.
  6. I pledge to advocate for the rights and needs of my patients, ensuring they receive the best possible care and support.
  7. I pledge to uphold the ethical principles of nursing, maintaining patient confidentiality and respecting their autonomy and choices.
  8. I pledge to be a lifelong learner, dedicated to the art and science of nursing, and to inspire and mentor the next generation of nurses.

In the spirit of Florence Nightingale, I solemnly commit to these principles and dedicate myself to the noble profession of nursing.”

Please note that this is a nurses pledge inspired by Florence Nightingale’s values and principles but is not an official document. Nurses often take various pledges and oaths based on their specific nursing organizations or institutions.


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