IWU Brightspace


Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU) offers an innovative learning management system called IWU Brightspace. The platform is designed to create, host, and edit online learning resources for various types of institutions, courses, and users. With its flexible suite of tools, IWU Brightspace makes it easy for instructors to create engaging content that meets the needs of their learners.

Indiana Wesleyan University Brightspace Features

IWU Brightspace offers a variety of features that make it a reliable and accessible platform for online learning. Some of these features include:

Brightspace Learning

Brightspace Learning is an online library that stores, manages, and shares learning resources or learning objects. A learning object could be a quiz, a presentation, an image, or a video, among others, that instructors can use to create course content and other learning materials for online learning. When a learning object is published to the Learning Repository, it is classified and organized with metadata to make it easily searchable for other instructors.

Learning Object Classification

Instructors can classify learning objects according to defined learning standards or goals. This allows for easy and quick search and retrieval of objects when creating courses or lessons. Additionally, they can review, rate, or provide feedback on learning objects to ensure high-quality online resources.

Reliable and Accessible

IWU Brightspace is a reliable and accessible platform for online learning. The platform offers the following features:

  • Easy course creation by dragging and dropping from your desktop into the LMS.
  • An international award-winning LMS for accessibility.
  • Automated accessibility checker that makes compliance confirmation easy.
  • Course templates that make it easy for instructors to create new and engaging content.
  • 99.9% uptime with no downtime or maintenance.

Accessing the IWU Brightspace

To access the IWU Brightspace, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the IWU Website.
  2. Locate the Navigation Tab on top of the IWU Website Homepage.
  3. Click on More.
  4. Under More, locate and click on Brightspace Login to proceed.

Logging in to IWU Brightspace

To log in to IWU Brightspace, follow these steps:

  1. Access the IWU Brightspace platform.
  2. Enter your Username Login.
  3. Enter your Password.
  4. Click on the Login Button to proceed.

Resetting your IWU Brightspace Password

If you forget your IWU Brightspace password, follow these steps to reset it:

  1. Visit the IWU Brightspace platform.
  2. Locate and click on the Forgot Password link to proceed.
  3. Enter your Username.
  4. Click on the Submit Button to proceed.

IWU Contact Information

If you need further assistance with IWU Brightspace or have other questions, contact the university using the following information:


4201 S Washington St. Marion, IN 46953




IWU Brightspace is a reliable and accessible platform for online learning that offers many features for both instructors and learners. With its flexible suite of tools, the platform makes it easy for instructors to create engaging content that meets the needs of their learners. Additionally, its accessibility checker and 99.9% uptime make it a reliable platform for online learning.


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