Advice for Students on Making the Move from High School to University

By | 21 March 2023

The shift from high school to college life can be difficult for many kids. In order to make your transition from high school to university as simple as possible, we have put together this helpful information.

We’re here to make your first few weeks at university absolute ease, whether you’re preparing for university, in the thick of orientation, or busy with classes (and still trying to figure everything out)!

Before your first day on campus, you will need to arrange a few things if you are getting ready to attend college. These are a few things you need to plan for and get ready for.

1. Plan your financial aid budget

Get ready to hear and use the term “student budget” a lot if you haven’t already.

Depending on where you live and how you get to school, you may have a small budget each month to spend on the different necessities that students have, such as housing, transportation, food, textbooks, and even social events. Setting up a budget is the easiest method to handle all of these student expenses. 

2. Control Your Timetable

You’ll need to be ready to manage your calendar, just like you would while going from high school to college and budgeting.

Most likely, your guardians or parents won’t wake you up in the morning to get you ready for school. To get ready for lessons, you’ll need to wake up on your own at a reasonable hour.

It will be important to keep track of your calendar to know when you need to wake up and get dressed each morning because classes at university typically start at different times every day.

Furthermore, the majority of classes lack a register, making it simple to skip class. Although it is a horrible notion, this can spread among students and become a frequent habit. Attending classes increases your chances of succeeding and avoiding failure, which has been shown to be closely connected with attendance.

3. Be Ready for Student Life

It’s crucial to adopt the right frame of mind as you prepare ready for college. Several brand-new experiences and difficulties are going to be presented to you. Some of them will be good and some of them will be awful, but maintaining the correct attitude will assist you.


4. Learn About the Institution

You must familiarize yourself with the campus if you want to successfully explore your university’s grounds. Although most institutions will make an effort to offer campus tours during orientation week, you should set aside some time during your first few weeks of classes to stroll around campus and learn as much as you can about it.

5. Get Used to Your New Residence

When you start studying, you can be living at home, at a residence, or in a dorm. Whatever your living circumstances, they will be different from what they were when you were in school. It’s crucial to make your room feel as much like home as you can if you’re living away from home.

By including pictures of your house or other items that make you think of your family, you may make your space feel cosy. Finding out what you really enjoy and basing your design decisions on that will help you make your room seem cosier.

You’ll have the freedom to decorate your room in whatever you like while you’re a student. Your bedroom will be more relaxing if it is cosy and inviting.

6. Establish Friendships in School

It can be extremely difficult to make friends at college, but once you do, they’ll be a huge assistance in the transition from high school to college.

7. Make use of the tools available to students

As you start university, you’ll immediately realize that most South African colleges offer a wealth of tools available to help students thrive. These tools are frequently available to assist you to make the change from high school to university.

8. Create Effective Stress Coping Techniques

As you start college, you’ll have to deal with a lot of new concerns. To cope with the additional stressors, you will need to adopt a variety of coping strategies.

You’ll need to develop new coping skills or employ the healthiest ones to manage your stress. Exercise, hanging out with friends, calling your family, reading a book, meditating, or simply taking a walk around campus are some effective coping strategies.

You can manage your student’s stress in a number of different beneficial ways. Use alternative techniques if you are aware of them. You can navigate the transition from high school to university by being aware of your coping mechanisms.
