Survey Reveals Patient Safety as Top Priority Through Engagement and Retention

Survey Finds Healthcare Leaders Prioritize Patient Safety and Employee Retention

A nationwide survey of human resource (HR) leaders and chief nursing officers (CNOs) has revealed that patient safety and quality of care are the top priorities for healthcare institutions. The study highlights that 84% of HR leaders and CNOs consider improving quality of care and patient safety as the most critical issue to address in their organization, followed by strengthening employee engagement and retention (77%) and improving the caregiver experience (73%). However, the study found that only 53% of leaders believed their organization has effectively improved employee recruitment and only 51% have strengthened employee engagement and retention.

Challenges Faced by Healthcare Institutions

The COVID-19 pandemic has enhanced the stressful working conditions and talent shortages that healthcare institutions were already facing. According to John A. Martins, President, and CEO of Cross Country Healthcare, many leaders are actively investing in solutions to enhance employee recruitment, heighten the caregiver experience, and optimize and manage the workforce. Although fundamental changes are needed, there are sustainable and proven solutions that can help institutions invest in their employees from the ground up, curating a positive and safe experience for patients—the number one goal and priority.

Top Priorities Addressing Staffing Crisis

The study found that healthcare institutions are moving in the right direction to address the staffing crisis, with leaders reporting that their top priorities include:

  • Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the hiring process.
  • Strengthening employee engagement and retention.
  • Improving employee attraction and recruitment.

Barriers to Implementing Workforce Strategies

When asked about healthcare organizations’ barriers to implementing workforce strategies, one HR leader responded, “It is keeping staff. A lot of people don’t want to work nowadays, and it’s hard to keep people interested, especially in healthcare.” A CNO reported another challenge: “having enough RN staff available to hire. We are doing great with hiring to some extent but at the same time still have the younger workforce choosing to leave for ‘better hours,’ or a ‘better life balance blend.’”


Key Findings of the Survey

The survey revealed several key findings, including:

  • HR leaders are investing most in improving the caregiver experience. CNOs prioritize their investments in employee recruitment.
  • HR leaders (64 percent) feel most effective at maintaining staffing levels and employee development. CNOs (54 percent) are most effective at employee engagement and retention.
  • Less than half of respondents reported that they effectively leverage technology, reduce costs (48 percent), and continuously innovate (42 percent).
  • Healthcare leaders have made good progress toward completing workforce plans, with 48 percent reporting that they have implemented a comprehensive plan. Workforce plans were completed for 56% of HR leaders and 43% of CNOs.
  • Health leaders in the study shared that experience and clinical excellence are essential when looking for a company to help create and evaluate a workforce strategy, best-in-class client service, and a creative and innovative approach to solving issues.
  • Hiring efficiency and employee engagement are the top areas for strategizing, while recruiting is getting the most investment to develop innovative solutions.
  • When looking at which technologies the leaders want to adopt in the year ahead, onboarding, training and development, and workforce management topped the list.
  • Health leaders in the study shared that experience and clinical excellence are essential when looking for a company to help create and evaluate a workforce strategy, best-in-class client service, and a creative and innovative approach to solving issues.

Importance of Staff Wellness to Patient Care

According to Hank Drummond, Chief Nursing Officer of Cross Country Healthcare, health leaders must prioritize work-life balance, mental health, and appropriate staffing to ensure that healthcare workers have the support they need to provide care to their patients. Staff wellness trickles down into the quality of patient care.


Healthcare leaders should reimagine their approach to the workforce and explore new models to help maximize their most valuable asset, their people. They need a trusted and proven partner that can offer a combination of workforce, technology, and talent solutions that are customizable in meeting their most urgent and complex people challenges.


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